Sunday, July 08, 2007

Egyptian Breakfast

Nearly every morning I go out and get some breakfast for us. The Egyptian breakfast is quite delicious and really quite healthy. The bowl you see at the top is called "fool", which is fava beans cooked overnight with chopped tomatoes, onions, tahina, salt and pepper. Very tasty! The bowl at the bottom is called Tamaya. It is also beans made into a paste with spices and then deep fried to a crunchy patty. Other parts of the middle east call it fallafal. The bread to the left is made from whole wheat and comes freshly baked...nice and hot from a fire oven. The bread is cooked and made in the same way as the ancient Egytians made it. I guess after 7000 years they should have gotten it right by's very good. To eat it correctly, you don't use silverware. Instead you tear off pieces of bread and use it to grab the foul or tamaya. This whole meal can feed our family for 23 cents. Beat that McDonald's!


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting. Share more with us as you have time. We like knowing you are not starving! Not exactly an Inman holiday breakfast, but sounds good. Love to all, Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

I wish I could fix this at home. I can smell it already. The tamalya is delicious! Hope to have some soon. Mom & Dad